Our Story
SKP began as Soup Kitchen Theatre in the 90's serving up bite sized midday shows at the Athenaeum Theatre in Melbourne, Naarm, with a complimentary cup of warm soup all for just $5! With Catherine Hill at the helm the goal was to champion new Australian writing. Concurrently she worked with film and tv writers as a script editor and story consultant giving her a taste of the film industry.
After writing and producing a few short films Soup Kitchen Productions was fully realised in 2017 when Catherine went into production for her debut feature Some Happy Day. After lockdown delays the film had an independent theatrical release and was successful with wins and nominations in international festivals throughout 2021 & 2022.
Due to the film's authentic and sensitive treatment of the issue of homelessness the film took a new trajectory as a social impact film, setting the course for SKP's mission statement:
To create film and tv that inspires change
to create a better world.
The journey of Social Impact Narrative filmmaking had begun. Teaming up with Impact Producer Rowen Smith of SCREENKIND and actor/producer Cecilia Low, Some Happy Day had a year of impact screenings around Australia culminating in 2024 with the achievement of its main Impact goal: to be used as a resource to teach about the complex social issue of homelessness in the Australian school curriculum with Cool.org and in tertiary education with Clickview.
Currently the team has 3 projects on the slate, all chosen because for their potential Social Impact. ​​​
Soup Kitchen Productions is a boutique company guided by the values of:
Excellence, Kindness, Transparency, Collaboration, Celebration.